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"Biología del manglar"
Laboratorio de Biología Marina
responsable : GROS Olivier
Sciences Exactes et Naturelles (SEN), Département de Biologie
BP 592, F-97159 Pointe-à-Pitre cedex, Guadeloupe, France
05 90 48 30 06 ; Fax : 05 90 48 32 81, email : olivier.gros@univ-ag.fr
A., Pascal P-Y., Cordonnier S., and lemée R. (2019).
Spatio-temporal dynamics and biotic substrate preferences of benthic dinoflagelates
in the Lesser Antilles Caribbean sea. Harmful algae. 81: 18-29.
F., Al-Mourabit A., Moriou C., Dumesnil P., Gros O., and Petit P.
(2019). Uridine and thymidine derivatives isolated for the first time from
the gills of the shallow-water marine mollusk Codakia orbicularis (Lucinidae).
Records of Natural Products. Sous presse.
A., Pascal P-Y., Cordonnier S., and lemée R. (2018).
Depth distribution of benthic dinoflagelates in the Caribbean sea. Journal
of Sea Research. 135: 74-83.
A., Lechaudel M., Hubert O., Gros O., Bugaud C., Benoit S., Leclerc N.,
Salmon F., and Brat P. (2018). Management of post-harvest fruit quality for
ecologically intensified banana cropping systems. Acta Horticulturae 1196:
H.T., Dupuy C., Jourde J., Lefrançois C., Pascal P-Y, Carpentier A., Chevalier
J., and Bocher P. (2018). Persistent benthic communities in the extreme dynamic
intertidal mudflats of Amazonian coast: An overview of the Tanaidacea (Crustacea,
Peracarida). Marine Biodiversity. 48: 1841-853. pdf.
Gros O., Bisqué
L., Sadjan M., Azede C., Jean-Louis P., and Guidi-Rontani C. (2018).
First description of a new uncultured purple sulfur bacterium colonizing marine
edge of the mangrove sediment in the Caribbean: Halochromatium-like PSB
from Guadeloupe. CRAS Biologies. 341: 387-397..
J-M, Bustamante P., Aldana-Aranda D., and Gros O. (2018). The potential
role of spherocrystals in the detoxification of essential trace metals following
exposure to Cu and Zn in the fighting conch Strombus (Lobatus)
pugilis. Biometals. 31: 627-637. pdf.
A., Laurent M.C.Z., Molza A., Mansot J-L., and Gros O. (2018).
Thioautotrophic ectosymbiosis in Pseudovorticella sp., a Peritrich
ciliate species colonizing wood falls in marine mangrove. European Journal
of Protistology. 62: 43-5-65. pdf
Gigault J.,
ter Halle A., Baudrimont M., Pascal P-Y., Gauffre F., Linh Phi T., El Hadri
H., Grassl B., and Reynaud S. (2018). Current opinion: what is a nanoplastic?
Environmental Pollution. 235: 1030-1034.
A., Strauss H., Sebilo M., Hong W-L., Gros O., Schmidt S., Tocny J.,
Henry F., Gontharet S., and Laverman A. (2017). Sulfur diagenesis under rapid
accumulation of organic-rich sediments in a marine mangrove from Guadeloupe (French
West Indies). Chemical Geology 454: 67-79. pdf
F., Petit P., Moriou C., Bogdan I., Gros O., and Al-Mourabit
A. (2017). Orbicularisine: a new spiro-indolo-thiazine skeleton isolated from
gills of the tropical bivalve Codakia orbicularis. Journal of Natural Products.
80(5): 1693-1696. pdf
O. (2017). First description of a new uncultured epsilon sulfur bacterium
colonizing marine mangrove sediment in the Caribbean: candidatus Thiovulum
karukerense. FEMS Microbiol Letters, 364(18): DOI:10.1093/femsle/fnx172.
. Gontharet
S., Crémière A., Blanc-Valleron M.M., Sebilo M., Gros O., Laverman A.,
and Dessailly D. (2017). Relation between sediment characteristics and the
presence of microbial mats in a marine mangrove from the Manche-à-Eau lagoon (Guadeloupe).
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(7): 1999-2010. pdf.
S., Dartron C., Falord M., Sadikalay S., Ducat C., Richard V., Breurec
S., Gros O., and Talarmin A. (2017). Resistance to antimicrobial drugs
in different surface waters of Guadeloupe. Plos One 12(3): e0173155. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0173155.
P-Y., Dubois S., Goffette A., and Lepoint G. (2017). Influences of geothermal
sulfur bacteria on a tropical coastal food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series
578: 73-85. pdf
Gontharet S., Crémière A., Blanc-Valleron M.M., Sebilo M., Gros O.,
Laverman A., and Dessailly D. (2016). Relation between sediment characteristics
and the presence of microbial mats in a marine mangrove from the Manche-à-Eau
lagoon (Guadeloupe). Journal of Soils and Sediments.DOI 10.1007/s11368-016-1555-6.
König S., Gros O., Heiden S., Hinzke T., Thürmer A., Poehlein A., Meyer
S., Ponnudurai R., Vatin M., Mbeguié-Mbeguié D., Tocny J., Daniel
R., Becher D., Schweder T., and Markert S. (2016). Nitrogen fixation in a
chemoautotrophic lucinid symbiosis. Nature Microbiology,2, 16193. pdf.
S. and Gros O. (2016). Colwellia and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria: an
unusual dual symbiosis in a Terua mussel (Mytilidae: Bathymodiolinae) from whale
falls in the Antilles arc. Deep Sea Research Part I, 115: 112-122. pdf
Brissac T.,
Higuet D., Gros O., and Merçot H. (2016). Unexpected structured intraspecific
diversity of thioautotrophic bacterial gill endosymbionts within the Lucinidae
(Mollusca: Bivalvia). Marine Biology,163:176-184. pdf
Pascal P-Y.,
Gros O., and Boschker H.T.S. (2016). Temporal fluctuations of trophic
role of large benthic sulfur bacteria in sediment of marine mangrove. Food
webs, 7: 20-28. pdf
Laquitaine L.,
Durimel A., Gros O., and S. Gaspard (2016). Biodegradability of HCH
in agricultural soils from Guadeloupe (French West Indies): identification of
LIN genes involved in HCH degradation pathway. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research 23(1): 120-127. pdf
Segret L., Hubert O., Morillon R., Lechaudel M., Gros O., Salmon F., Benoit
S., and Brat P. (2016). Post-harvest banana peel splitting as a function of
relative humidity storage conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 38:
234-250. pdf
Lacoue-Labarthe T., Warnau M., Beaugeard L., and Pascal P-Y. (2015).
Trophic transfer of radioisotopes in Mediterranean sponges through bacteria consumption.
Chemosphere 144: 1885-1892.pdf
Abouna S., Gonzalez-Rizzo
S., Grimonprez A., and Gros O. (2015). First description
of sulphur-oxidizing bacterial symbiosis in a Cnidarian (Medusozoa) living in
sulphidic shallow-water environments. Plos One,10(5):e0127625.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127625.
Jean M.N.R., Gonzalez-Rizzo S., Gauffre-Autelin P., Lengger S.K., Schouten
S., and Gros O. (2015). Two new Beggiatoa species inhabiting
marine mangrove sediments in the Caribbean. Plos One, 10(2):e0117832.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117832.
König S., Le Guyader H., and Gros O. (2015). Thioautotrophic
bacterial endosymbionts are degraded by lysosomal host digestion during starvation:
case study of two lucinids Codakia orbicularis and Codakia orbiculata.
Microscopy Research and Techniques. 78(2): 173-179. pdf
M.R., Volland J-M., Chavez-Villegas J.F., Aldana-Aranda D., and Gros
O. (2015). Development of the planktotrophic veligers and newly metamorphosed
juveniles of Strombus pugilis (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan
Studies, 81(3): 335-344. pdf
Pascal P-Y., Bellemare C., Sterrer W., Boschker H.T., Gonzalez-Rizzo S.,
and Gros O. (2015). Diet of Haplognathia ruberrima (Gnathostomulida)
in a Caribbean marine mangrove. Marine Ecology. 36: 246-257. pdf
Pante E.,
Pascal P-Y., Becquet V., Viricel A., Simon-Bouhet B., and Garcia P. (2015).
Evaluating the genetic effects of the invasive Ocenebra inornata on the
native oyster drill Ocenebra erinacea. Marine Ecology. 36: 1118-1128.
Pascal P-Y.,
Dubois S., Boschker H.T., and Gros O. (2014). Trophic role of large
benthic sulfur bacteria in mangrove sediment. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
516: 127-138. pdf
Elisabeth N., Caro A., Césaire T., Mansot J-L., Escalas A., Sylvestre M-N.,
Jean-Louis P., and Gros O. (2014). Comparative modifications
in bacterial gill-endosymbiotic populations of the two bivalves Codakia orbiculata
and Lucina pensylvanica during bacterial loss and reacquisition. FEMS
Microbiology Ecology 89: 646-658. pdf
C., Jean M.N.R., Gonzalez-Rizzo S., Bolte-Kluge S., and Gros
O. (2014). Description of new filamentous toxic cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales)
colonizing sulphidic periphyton mat in marine mangrove. FEMS Microbiology Letters,
359 (2): 173-181.pdf
B., Dupuy C., Agogué H., Carpentier A., Chalumeau J., Como S., David V., De Crignis
M., Duchêne J.C., Fontaine C., Feunten E., Guizen K., Hartmann H.J., Lavaud J.,
Lefebvre S., Lefrançois E., Mallet C., Montanié H., Mouget J.L., Orvain F., Ory
P., Pascal P-Y., Radenac G., Richard P., Vézina A.F., and Niquil N. (2014).
How does the resuspension of the biofilm alter the functioning of the benthos-pelagos
coupled food web of the bare mudflat in Marennes-Oléron Bay (NE Atlantic)? Journal
of Sea Research. 92: 144-157. pdf