Centre Commun de Calcul Intensif

    C3I bulletin boards

C3I posts messages about system status, software installations and other important news about C3I systems to the general bulletin board. This bulletin board is available on all of the facilities, although its name varies from one facility to the next. This bulletin board should be read frequently.

09.12.03 to 11.12.03 Mewbalaou is not available. Its system is under revision.

25.11.03 PBS is not yet installed on mewbalaou's system, but if your job will take more than 10 hours on pset_id 2, it will be stopped (but restarted after 6 p.m.) if there's another interested user to run during working hours.

09.07.03 We are still at the test stage, we hope the production stage will be reached on the beginning of october.

09.07.03 Until now, only two processor sets (pset_id #0 and pset_id #2) have been created: the first one gathers processors number 0, 1, 2, 4. The second one gathers processors number 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

09.07.03 Until now, to submit a job to mewbalaou, you must specify on which pset_id you want it to run, according to the following example:
        bash-2.04$  runon -p 2 ./a.out      will execute ./a.out on pset_id #2.
Don't forget to use pset_info to see how the different processor sets are defined.

19.06.03 Lecture of J.-F. Méhaut (Université Joseph Fourrier, IMAG, Grenoble) 
" Programmation Mono/Multi/Hyper-Threadée "

16.06.03 Lecture of D.Goudin (CEA/CESTA de Bordeaux) "Emilio:une bibliotheque parallele hautes performances de resolution de grands systemes lineaires creux par methode directe".

© Centre Commun de Calcul Intensif (C3I), Campus de Fouillole Guadeloupe, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.

URL: http://www.univ-ag.fr/c3i/
Revised: Wednesday, 09-July-2003 16:20:30 EDT