
A number of topics will be covered in overview lectures given by international experts, and in in-depth technical lectures, followed by hands-on computer lab sessions. The course will consist of about 25 hours of lectures with 15 hours of computer lab sessions.

Introduction to HPC Programming

(1 h 30 lectures)

A short introduction to HPC programming languages. A survey of the aspects of processors, memory hierarchies, switch and networking technologies relevant for the programming of HPC applications.

Parallel Programming I

(5 h 00 lectures, 5 h lab)(+ 5 h 00 lectures in parallel session)

A wide introduction to OpenMP, a programming environnement for parallel machines with shared memory. The practical sessions will give the skills for such a programming in language Fortran 90.

Parallel Programming II

(5 h 00 lectures, 4 h 30 lab)

Message Passing Interface (MPI), a programming environment for parallel computers with distributed memory.

Parallel Algorithms

(3 h 30 lectures)

Basic ideas in parallel algoritnms will be covered in the framework of numerical linear algebra.

A case study in Chemistry or Physics

(3h 30 lectures)

One or two lectures will present a field in Physics or Chemistry where High Performance Computing is a tool. That study can emerge from efficient applications with architecture of distributed memory or with shared memory.

© Centre Commun de Calcul Intensif (C3I), Campus de Fouillole Guadeloupe, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.
URL: http://www.univ-ag.fr/c3i/
Revised: Monday, 25-June-2003 20:59:15 EDT