HPC, parallelism and applications


The goal of this Summer School is double. First, it aims at instilling the necessary skills and knowledge required to suitably use the computers of the C3I. Then, it could be worth our Caribbean neighbours who are interested in High-Performance Computing availed themselves of such an opportunity.
Consequently, the first students who will bring their scientific project in relation to the subject of this school are welcome.

The course is open to applicants having their master's degree in Mathematics, Computer science (or other equivalent level). The intensive one-week summer school course "HPC, parallelism and applications" will be arranged from July 4th to July 11th, 2004 on the Campus de Fouillole, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, UAG. Industrial participation is very welcome. The number of seats are limited.


A number of topics will be covered in overview lectures given by international experts and in in-depth technical lectures followed by hands-on computer lab sessions. The course will consist of about 25 hours of lectures and 15 hours of computer lab sessions. The major topics will be:

The students are strongly recommended to bring their own problems or programs as topics for discussion.

© Centre Commun de Calcul Intensif (C3I), Campus de Fouillole Guadeloupe, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.
URL: http://www.univ-ag.fr/c3i/
Revised: Friday, 04-July-2003 13:44:15 EDT