HPC, parallelism and applications :

 Expected participants

Because of the infrastructure necessary to the organization of the Summer school, specifically to access computers equipment, the number of participants will be limited.
We are looking forward to enrolling candidates from UAG, from other Guadeloupe EPSTs and organisms, and candidates from the Caribbean.

The goal of the Summer School is to provide the necessary knowledge with a view to an appropriate use of the computers of the C3I, as well as to provide anyone, who is interesting in High-Performance Computing (even if he doesn't belong to UAG), the opportunity of learning more about it.
Consequently, we will priviledge people with a specific project in relation with HPC, although not exclusively.

© Centre Commun de Calcul Intensif (C3I), Campus de Fouillole Guadeloupe, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.
URL: http://www.univ-ag.fr/c3i/
Revised: Friday, 04-July-2003 20:59:15 EDT