"Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes" at Université des Antilles et de Guyane, Pointe-à-Pître, Guadeloupe.

Dates: Feb. 23 to 26, 1998.

We thank those who have informed us of their interest for this meeting, in response to the first circular. This second circular contains more information and the preliminary scientific program.

Key Dates:

A proposal has been submitted and accepted to publish the proceedings as an ESA SP.

Contact Addresses:

Use the Web site or send a message to the Secretary of the Conference: Jean Mouette at: mouette@iap.fr

contact the co-Chairmen.

Abstracts will have to be sent by E-Mail to Prof. Shibata with a copy to the Secretary.

A LaTeX template to be used for abstract submission is at the end of this announcement.
Thank you again for your various help.
Sincerely, Co-chairmen: S. Koutchmy, P. Martens, K. Shibata

E-Mail addresses:

koutchmy@iap.fr, shibata@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp, pmartens@esa.nascom.nasa.gov

Preliminary Scientific Program

The Preliminary Scientific Program which includes solicited speakers is as follows (*to be confirmed).
The time allocated to invited talk is 20 min (talk)+ 15 min (discussion), and that for contributed talk is 10 min (talk) + 7 min (discussion). A limited number of poster papers will also be accepted.

The meeting plan is:

Total hours = 17.5 hours hence, 25 invited talks and 9 contributed talks
We will start with a short opening session, then: