
Head of LaRGE laboratory

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HAL ID : 1547151
Idref ID : 198204302
Loop profile ID : 113289
Orcid ID : 0000-0001-5514-5790
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Sciprofile ID : 504863
Scopus Author ID : 9842802700
WoS Researcher ID : AAK-1373-2020


2005: Phd in Physics specialty Energetics, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

Mesure et analyse de la vitesse du vent sur un site de production d'énergie éolienne en Guadeloupe: Modèles pour la prévision sur les échelles de temps inférieures à l'heure.

2015: Habilitation degree (HDR) in Physics specialty Energetics, Université de Lille

Caractérisation de l'intermittence de la ressource éolienne et solaire en milieu insulaire tropical: Analyse et modélisation stochastique.


Peer reviewed articles and book chapters

F. Mehazzem, M. André and R. Calif, Efficient Output Photovoltaïc Power Prediction Based on MPPT Fuzzy Logic and Solar Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Approach in a Tropical Insular Region, Energies, Vol15(22), 8671, 2022, DOI: 10.3390/en15228671.

T. Plocoste, L. Euphrasie-Clotilde, R. Calif and F. Brute, Quantifying Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of African Dust Detection Threshold for PM10 Concentrations in the Caribbean Area Using Multiscale Decomposition, Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol 10, 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.907440

M. André and R. Calif, Temporal fluctuations scaling analysis: power law of ramp rate's variance for PV power output, in book: Solar Radiation - Measurements, Modeling and Forecasting Techniques for  Photovoltaics Solar Energy Applications, 2022, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99072.

T. Plocoste and R. Calif, Is there a causal relationship between particule matter (PM10) and air temperature data? An analysis based on the Liang-Kleeman information transfer theory, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol 12(10), pp 1-12, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101177

T. Plocoste, R. Carmona-Cabezas, F. J. Jimenez Hornero, E. Guitiérrez de Ravé, R. Calif, Multifractal characterisation of particulate matter (PM10) time series in the Carribean Basin using visibility graphs, Atmospheric Pollution Research,Vol 12 (1), pp 100-110,2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.08.027

T. Plocoste, R. Calif, L. Euphrasie-Clotilde and F. Brute, Investigation of local correlations between particule matter (PM10) and air temperature in the Carribean Basin using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol 10(11), pp 1692-1704, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.06.031

T. Plocoste, R. Calif, L. Euphrasie-Clotilde and F. Brute, The statistical behavior of PM10 events over guadeloupean archipelago: Stationarity, modelling and extreme events, Atmospheric Research, Vol 241, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104956

T. Plocoste and R. Calif, Spectral observations of PM10 fluctuations in the Hilbert space, in book: Hilbert Spaces, Linear Operators and Applications, pp 1-13, IntechOpen, 2019, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88279.

S. Monjoly, M. André, R. Calif and T. Soubdhan, Forecast horizon and Solar variability influences on the performances of Multiscale Hybrid Forecast Model, Energies, vol. 12 (12), pp 1-20, 2019, doi:10.3390/en12122264

F. G. Schmitt, O.Duran Medina and R. Calif, Small-scale prediction of wind energy in a scale invariant framework, in book: Progress in Turbulence VIII, Editors: Örlü, R., Talamelli, A., Peinke, J., Oberlack, M. (Eds.), Publisher: Springer, 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-22196-6_47

T. Plocoste, R. Calif and S. Jacoby-Koaly, Multi-scale time dependent correlation between synchronous measurements of ground-level ozone and meteorological parameters in the Caribbean Basin, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 211, pp 234-246, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.05.001

M. Andre, R. Perez, T. Soubdhan, J. Schlemmer, R. Calif and S. Monjoly, Preliminary assessment of two spatio-temporal forecasting technics for hourly satellite-derived irradiance in a complex meteorological context, Solar Energy, vol. 177, pp 703- 712, 2019, doi:10.106/j.solener.2018.11.010

T. Plocoste, R. Calif and S. Jacoby-Kolay, Erratum to "Temporal multiscaling characteristics of particule matter PM10 and ground level-ozone 03 concentrations in Carribean region" [Atmos. Environ. 169(2017)22-35], Atmospheric Environment, vol. 172, pp 177-179, 2018, doi:10.106/j.atmosenv.2017.10.042

T. Plocoste, R. Calif, S. Jacoby-Kolay, Temporal multiscaling characteristics of particule matter PM10 and ground level-ozone 03 concentrations in Carribean region, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 169, pp 22-35, 2017, doi:10.106/j.atmosenv.2017.08.068

O. Duran Medina, F. G. Schmitt, R. Calif, G. Germain and B. Gaurier, Turbulence analysis and multiscale correlations between synchronized flow velocity and marine turbine power production, Renewable Energy, vol.112, pp 314-327, 2017,  doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.05.024.

S. Monjoly, M. André, R. Calif and T. Soubdhan, Hourly forecasting of Global Solar Radiation based on a multiscale decomposition method: A hybrid approach, Energy, vol. 119, pp 288-298, 2017, doi:10.1016/

R. Calif, F. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Study of local correlations of the simultaneous wind speed-irradiance measurements using Time Dependent Intrinsic Correlation, Journal of Nonlinear Applied Dynamics, vol (4), pp 27-290, 2016, doi:10.5890/JAND.2016.12.001.

R. Calif, F. Schmitt and O. Medina Duran, -5/3 Kolmogorov turbulent behavior and Intermittent Sustainable Energies, In book: Sustainable Energy, Edition: Intech, Editors: Ahmed Zobaa, Shady Abdel Aleem, Sara N. Afifi, 2016, doi:10.5772/106341

R. Calif and T. soubdhan, On the Use of the Coefficient of Variation to measure temporal correlation, Renewable Energy vol.88, pp 192-199, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2015.10.049.

R. Calif and F. Schmitt, Taylor Law in Wind Energy Data, Resources, vol.4, pp 797-785, 2015,  doi:10.3390/resources4040787.

O. Duran Medina, F. Schmitt and R. Calif, Multiscale Analysis of Wind Velocity, Power Output and Rotation of a Windmil, Energy Procedia, vol.76, pp 193-199,2015,  doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.897.

R. Calif and F. Schmitt, Multiscaling and joint multiscaling of the atmospheric wind speed and the aggregate power output from a wind farm, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, vol 21, pp 379-392, 2014, doi: 10.5194/npg-21-379-2014.

R. Calif, F. Schmitt and H. Huang, The Scaling Properties of the Turbulent Wind Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Arbitrary Order Hilbert Spectral Analysis, In book: Wind Energy - Impact of Turbulence, Chapter: II, Publisher: Springer, Editors: Michale Hölling; Joachim Peinke; Stefan Ivanell, pp.43-49, 2014, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54696-9.

R. Calif, F. Schmitt, Y. Huang, and T. Soubdhan, Intermittency study of high frequency global solar radiation sequences under a tropical climate, Solar Energy, vol 98, pp 349-365, 2013, doi: 0.1016/j.solener.2013.09.018.

R. Calif, F. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Mulifractal description of wind power using arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, vol 392, pp 4106-4120, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2013.04.038.

R. Calif and F. Schmitt, Modeling of atmospheric wind speed sequence using a lognormal continuous stochastic equation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Insdustrial Aerodynamics, vol. 109, pp 1-8, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2012.06.002.

S. Régis, R. Meynet, R. Calif and A. Donescu, The fractal structure of Biblical Books, In book: International Studies on Biblical & Semitic Rhetoric, Editors: Roland Meynet and Jack Oniszczuk, pp 381-404.

R. Calif, PDF models and synthetic model for the wind speed fluctuations based on the resolution of Langevin equation, Applied Energy, vol. 99, pp 173-182, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.05.007.

R. Calif and F. Schmitt, Analyse de séries temporelles de production éolienne: Loi de Taylor et propriétés multifractales, in book: Rencontre du non linéaire, Publisher: Institut Henri Poincaré Non Linéaire Publications, Editors: Eric Falcon, Christophe Josserand, Marc Lefranc, Christopher Letellier, pp 61-66, 2012.

R. Calif and R. Emilion, Characterization and Stochastic Modeling of Wind Speed Sequences, in book: Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV, Publisher: Springer, Editors: M. Oberlack; J. Peinke; A. Tamelli, M. Hölling  pp 235-238, 2012, ISBN:978-3-642-28968-2.

R. Calif, R. Emilion and T. Soubdhan, Classification of wind speed distributions using a mixture of Dirichlet mixtures, Renewable Energy, vol. 36, pp 3091-3097, 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.03.024.

T. Soubdhan, R. Emilion and R. Calif, Classification of daily solar radiation distributions using a mixture of Dirichlet distribution, Solar Energy, vol 87, pp 1056-1063, 2009, 10.1016/j.solener.2009.01.010.

R. Calif and R. Blonbou, Analysis of the power ouput of a wind turbine cluster in the Guadeloupean archipelago, Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology, vol 5, pp 68- 73, 2008.

R. Calif, R; blonbou and B. Deshaies, Wind velocity analysis for time scales smaller than 1 hour: Application to wind energy forecasting, Technical papers, AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, 2005, DOI : 10.2514/6.2005-1332.

Peer-reviewed international conferences

F. G. Schmitt, R. Calif and O. D. Medina, Wind energy scaling intermittency: its relation with the turbulence input and its small scale prediction, iTi Conference on Turbulence, Bertinoro, September 2018. (Oral)

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt and R. Calif, Scaling forecast models for wind turbulence and wind power intermittency, CFM Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, 2017.

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, Multi-scale correlations between synchronized power and wind measurements : a way to characterize turbulent effect in a scale way, EWEA, Paris, November 2016.

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, Joint scaling analysis of atmospheric velocity and wind power plant production, 15th European Turbulence Conference, The Netherlands, August 2015.

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, G. Germain and B. Gaurier, Correlation between synchronized power and flow measurements, a way to characterize turbulence effects on marine current turbine, 11th European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, September 2015 (Oral).

R. Calif and F.G. Schmitt, Return time statistics of wind power ramp events, EGU Assembly, Vienne, April 2015.

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, A. Sentchev and R. Notelé, Turbulence and Intermittence and Marine Energy : In situ measurements of wind and current speed and relationship between output power and turbulence, EGU Assembly, Vienne 2015 (Oral).

R. Calif, F. G. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Study of the dependence between the simultaneous wind speed and the global solar radiation measurements using the Time Dependent Intrinsic Correlation, AGU Assembly, San Francisco, December 2014.

R. Calif, F. G. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Multifractal and local correlation between the wind speed and the power output from a single wind turbine, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2014.

R. Calif, F. G. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Multiscaling Statistics of High Frequency Global Solar Radiation Data in the Guadeloupean Archipelago, AGU Assembly, San Francisco, December 2013.

S. Régis, R. Meynet, R. Calif and A. Donescu, Fractal Analysis of biblical books based on rhetorical analysis : first results, HIP,Washington, 2013 (Oral)

R. Calif, F. G. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Power spectral density and scaling exponents of high frequency global solar radiation sequences, GRA, Vol. 16, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2013.

R. Calif, F.G. Schmitt and Y. Huang, Hilbert Huang Transform Analysis of Non Linear and Non Stationary Global Solar Radiation, 27th European Photovoltaïc Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Frankfurt, Germany, 2012.

R. Calif and F.G. Schmitt, Estimating of a non-linear power curve for a Wind Turbine Generator, GRA, vol 14, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2012 (Oral).

R. Calif and F.G. Schmitt, Joint Multifractal Distribution : Application to Wind Energy Data, The Fourth International Conference on Applied Energy, Suzhou China, July 2012 (Oral).

R. Calif and F.G. Schmitt, Spectral analysis of the wind speed and the output power from a wind farm, GRA, vol 13, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2011.

R. Calif and F.G. Schmitt, Multifractal analysis of the wind speed and the output power from a wind farm, GRA, vol 13, EGU Assembly, Vienna, April 2011

R. Calif, Stochastic Simulation of Wind Atmospheric using continuous cascades, Proceedings of IEEE, Bali, January 2011 (Oral).

R. Blonbou, S. Monjoly, R. Calif, An advanced tool for wind power integration in network, IASTED 2010, Thaïlande, November 2010.

T. Soubdhan and R. Calif, Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Solar Radiation Measured at two Sites in Guadeloupe, Eurosun, International Conference on Solar Heating, Coling and Building, Austria, October 2010.

R. Calif, and R. Emilion, Characterization and stochastic modelling of wind speed sequences, ITI Conference on Turbulence, Italy, September 2010.

S. Régis, T. Soubdhan, R. Calif, M. Abadi, R. Blonbou, F. Dupont, Singularity detection in solar radiation signal using wavelet transform, IEEE PES, Florida, 2007.

R. Calif, R.Blonbou and B. Deshaies, A Comparative Analysis of Wind Turbulence at the Wind Farms of the Guadeloupe Archipelago, EWEC 2006 Conference & Exhibition, Athens, February, 2006 (Oral).

R. Calif, R. Blonbou and B. Deshaies, Wind speed fluctuations analysis for short time scales electricity management, Proceedings of the Global WINDPOWER, Chicago, March, 2004.

Peer-reviewed national conferences

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt et R. Calif, Etude expérimentale et modélisation stochastique des fluctuations de la vitesse (vent et énergie marine) et de la puissance électrique, IREPSE, Juin 2014 (Oral).

O.D. Medina, F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, Benoit Gaurier et Gregory Germain, Turbulence et intermittence dans les énergies marines : mesures en laboratoire à haute fréquence de la relation entre puissance produite par une hydrolienne et turbulence, les journées de l’hydrodynamique, Congrès de Mécanique, Novembre 2014 (Oral).

F.G. Schmitt et R. Calif, Analyse et modélisation de l’intermittence de la production électrique des éoliennes ; influence de la turbulence, Colloque international les Energies Marines Renouvelables, Campus de la Mer, Boulogne sur Mer, Novembre 2013 (Oral).

X. Roboam, B. Sareni, H. Tran, R. Blonbou, R. Calif, R. Emilion, Optimisation d’une chaine de conversion vent-électricité dans le contexte d’un réseau îlien par la prise en compte du caractère stochastique de la vitesse du vent en Guadeloupe, 7ème Colloque Energie CNRS, Nantes, Novembre 2009.

F. Dupont, T. Soubdhan, R. Blonbou, R. Calif, L. Thuault, F. Penot, Etude expérimentale des conditions d’apparition d’écoulements inverses en sortie d’un thermosiphon en convection naturelle d’air, Congrès français de thermique, S.F.T.(Société Française de Themique), Toulouse, juin 2008.

T. Soubdhan, R. Calif, F. Dupont, R. Blonbou, Variabilité du flux solaire en Guadeloupe : Etude comparée en deux points géographiques, Congrès français de thermique, S.F.T.(Société Française de Themique) Les Embiez, juin 2007.

T. Soubdhan, F. Dupont, R. Calif, R. Blonbou, et B. Deshaies, Mesure et analyse du flux solaire en Guadeloupe : caractérisation sur des échelles de temps inférieures à la journée, Congrès français de thermique, S.F.T.2006, Ile de Ré, 16-19 mai 2006.

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