Jean-Frédéric Lebrun
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Jean-Frédéric Lebrun |
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mail : jflebrun(AT)
Tel : 0590 48 30 94 - Fax 0590 48 30 96
Bureau : Campus de Fouillole - Bat Rech - 2ème étage coté Marina.
Fonctions :
- Responsable Adjoint du Département de Géologie
- Responsable de la Licences Biologie - Environnement et Sciences de la Terre (BEST)
Formation et Parcours Professionnel haut de page
- 2000 - ... Maître de Conférences - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
- 1998 - 2000 ATER Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
- 1993-1997 Thèse de Doctorat - Université de Paris VI à Villefranche sur Mer
- 1991-1993 VSN enseignant au lycée français de Lisbonne (Portugal)
- 1986-1991 Formation universitaire à Orléans - Clermont-Ferrand - Brest
Réalisations - Programmes de Recherches haut de page
Programmes d'études des mouvements verticaux dans le bassin de Marie-Galante (avant-arc des Petites Antilles)
- Bilan du programme financé par Inter-Reg IIIB
- Visitez les pages web consacrées aux résultats obtenus
- Visitez les pages web consacrées aux résultats obtenus
- Les Missions Océanographiques "KaShallow" ( de Karukera (Nom Caraïbes de la Guadeloupe) et Shallow)
- Visitez les pages web consacrées à ce programme
- L'étude de la plate-forme carbonatée de l'archipel Guadeloupéen
- Visitez les pages web consacrées à ce programme
Autres missions océanographiques
- Antilles
- Gwadaseis (2009) et Bathysaintes (2010)
- Sismantilles 1 (2001) et 2 (2007)
- Caramba (2001)
- Marge Andinne
- Amadeus (2005)
- Sud Nouvelle-Zélande
- Macquarie Ridge (1994)
- Geodynz (1993)
Publications: haut de page
Publications de rang A - Revues Internationales Début de liste
F. Dondin, J.-F. Lebrun, K. Kelfoun, N. Fournier and A. Randrianasolo, Sector collapse at Kick 'em Jenny submarine volcano (Lesser Antilles) - Numerical simulation and mass flox behaviour implication - Submitted to Bull. Volc. Res. October 2010.
F. Nathalie, Leclerc F., Tapponnier P., Beauducel F., Boudon G., Clément V., Deplus C., Lebrun J.-F., LeFriant A., Nercessian A. and J.-M. Saurel. Active faulting induced by slip partitioning in Montserrat and link with volcanic activity. Insights from the 2009 GWADASEIS marine cruise data - Geoph. Res. Letters 27, doi:10.1029/2010GL042556, 2010
E. Deville, S.-H. Guerlais, Y. Callec, R. Griboulard, P. Huyghe, S. Lallemant, A. Mascle, M. Noble, J. Schmitz, the collaboration of the Caramba working group (including J.-F. Lebrun), Liquefied vs stratified sediment mobilization processes: Insight from the South of the Barbados accretionary prism, Tectonophysics, 428, pp 33-47, 2006
Léticée, J.-L., A. Randrianasolo, J.-J. Cornée, P. Munch, J.-F. Lebrun, J.-P. Saint-Martin, and M. Villeneuve, Mise en évidence d’une discontinuité émersive majeure au sein de la plate-forme récifale Plio-Pléistocène de l'avant-arc des Petites Antilles, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 337, 617-624, 2005.
Huyghe, P., M. Foata, E. Deville, G. Mascle, and Caramba Working Group (including J.-F. Lebrun), Channel profiles through the active thrust front of the southern Barbados prism., Geology, 32 (5), 429–432, 2004.
Lebrun, J.-F., G. Lamarche, and J.-Y. Collot, Subduction Initiation at a Strike-Slip Plate Boundary: the Cenozoic Pacific - Australian Plate Boundary, South of New Zealand., 108, B9, Journal of Geophysical Research,
Lebrun, J.-F., G. Lamarche, J.-Y. Collot and J. Delteil, Abrupt strike-slip to subduction transition: The Alpine Fault - Puysegur Trench connection, New Zealand, Tectonics, 19 (4), 688-706, 2000.
Lamarche, G., and J.-F. Lebrun, Transition from strike-slip faulting to oblique subduction. Active tectonics at the Puysegur margin, south of New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 316 (1-2), 67-89, 2000.
Massell, C., M. F. Coffin, P. Mann, S. Mosher, C. Frohlich, C. L. Schuur, G. Karner, D. Ramsay, and J.-F. Lebrun, Neotectonics of the Macquarie Ridge Complex, Australia-Pacific plate boundary, J. Geophys. Res. 105, B6, 13457-13480, 2000.
Lebrun, J.-F., G.D. Karner, and J.-Y. Collot, Fracture zone subduction and reactivation across the Puysegur Ridge/Trench System, southern New Zealand, J. Geophys. Res. 103, B4, 7293-7313, 1998.
Delteil, J., R.H. Herzer, M. Sosson, J.-F. Lebrun, J.-Y. Collot, and R.A. Wood, Influence of preexisting backstop structure on oblique tectonic accretion: The Fiordland margin (Southwestern New Zealand), Geology, 24 (11), 1045-1048, 1996.
Delteil, J., J.-Y. Collot, R.A. Wood, R.H. Herzer, and Scientific Party (including J.-F. Lebrun), From strike-slip faulting to oblique subduction: A survey of the Alpine fault Puysegur trench transition, New Zealand, results of cruise Geodynz-sud leg 2, Mar Geophys Res, 18 (2-4), 383-399, 1996.
Collot, J.-Y., G. Lamarche, R.A. Wood, J. Delteil, M. Sosson, J.-F. Lebrun, and M.F. Coffin, Morphostructure of an incipient subduction zone along a transform plate boundary: Puysegur Ridge and Trench, Geology, 23 (6), 519-522, 1995.
Delteil, J., J.-Y. Collot, R.A. Wood, R.H. Herzer, and Scientific Party (including J.-F. Lebrun), De la faille Alpine à la fosse de Puysegur (Nouvelle-Zélande): résultats de la campagne de cartographie multifaisceaux Geodynz-sud, Leg 2, C R Acad Sci Ser II, 320 (4 Part 2), 303-309, 1995.
Publications de rang B - revues nationales; pub. de société savantes; extended abstracts Début de liste
Collot, J.-Y., S. Migeon, G. Spence, Y. Legonidec, B. Marcaillou, J.-L. Schneider, F. Michaud, A. Alvarado, J.-F. Lebrun, and M. Sosson, Mapping the seafloor of the Ecuador-SW Colombia margin helps understand great subduction earthquakes, EOS Transactions, 86 (46), 463-465, 2005.
Deville, E., A. Mascle, R. Griboulard, P. Huyghe, C.Padron .d. Carillo, and J.-F. Lebrun, From frontal subduction to a compressional transform system: new geophysical data on the structure of the Caribbean-South America Plate boundary in southeastern Caribbean, in VIII Simposio Bolivariano - Petroleum exploration in the subandean basins, ACGGP, Cartagena de Indias - Colombia, 2003.
Collot, J.-Y., J. Delteil, R.H. Herzer, R.A. Wood, K.B. Lewis, and Scientific Party (including J.-F. Lebrun), Sonic imaging reveals new plate boundary structures offshore New Zealand, EOS Transactions, 76 (1), 1-5, 1995.
Delteil, J., J.-Y. Collot, R.H. Herzer, K.B. Lewis, R.A. Wood, and Scientific Party (including J.-F. Lebrun), La campagne GéodyNZ-Sud : mieux connaître la convergence oblique, Géochronique, 51 (aout 1994), 8, 1994.
Conférences Internationales Début de liste
European Geophysical Union : 5 présentation dont 4 associé.
J.-F. Lebrun, J.-J. Cornée, P. Munch, P. Guennoc, and the Kashallow Cruises Team, 2010, Tectono-sedimentary architecture of Marie-Galante basin (Lesser Antilles fore arc) Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-13663, 2010 EGU General Assembly 2010 Vienne, Autriche.
Caribbean geological conference: 2 présentations dont 1 associé
J.-F. Lebrun, P. Munch, J.-L. Léticée, A. Randrianasolo, J.-J. Cornée, Plio-pleistocene carbonate platforms of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc reveals mid-long term vertical motion of an upper plate. In 18th caribbean geological conference, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, 2008
J.-L. Léticée, A. Randrianasolo, J.-J. Cornée, J.-F. Lebrun, P. Munch Architecture of plio-pleistocene carbonate platforms in Guadeloupe archipelago (Lesser Antilles subduction zone), In 18th caribbean geological conference, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana, 2008
AGU Fall Metting : Associé à 1 présentation:
Thales LAST Team, (includes J.-F. Lebrun), Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Investigation by a Cluster of Large Seismic Experiments in the Forearc Region in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2007.
The Caribbean Academy of Sciences, 1 présentation:
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-L. Léticée, S. Bes de Berc, J.-J. Cornée, P. Munch, A. Randrianasolo, I. Thinon, and M. Villeneuve, Seismogenic Potential of Fore-Arc Tectonic Structures: Onshore - Offshore Geology Helps to Understand the Tectonic Activity at the Marie-Galante Basin - Lesser Antilles, in 15th Annual Metting, The Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Gosier - Guadeloupe, 2006.
Colloque TECTO-CLIM (Soc. Geol. France) : Associé à 1 présentation
Leticée, J.-L., A. Randrianasolo, and J.-F. Lebrun, Mise en évidence des cycles Transgression -Régression du Plio - Pléistocène sur la plate-forme carbonatée de l’avant-arc des Petites Antilles (Guadeloupe), in Colloque TECTO-CLIM (Soc. Geol. France), Lille (France), 2003.
Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting : 1 présentation
Lebrun, J.-F. and the Caramba Cruise Team, Structure and seismicity at the southern Barbados accretionnary prism; From strike-slip to subduction, in Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seismological Research Letters, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2003.
AGU Western Pacific meeting and EGS
Lebrun, J.-F., G. Lamarche, and J.-Y. Collot, Plate boundary evolution and subduction initiation along finite segments of the Pac-Aus plate boundary south of New Zealand, in AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, edited by AGU, pub. suppl. Eos, Wellington, New Zealand, 2002.
Lebrun, J.-F., Lamarche, G. and Collot, J.-Y., 2002. Distinctive stages of subduction initiations along segments of the Macquarie Ridge Complex, Pac-Aus Plate Boundary, European Geophysical Society XXVII general Assembly, Nice, France.
New Zealand Geological Society Symposium
Lebrun, J.-F., G. Lamarche, J.-Y. Collot, Different stages of subduction initiation along segments off the Macquarie Ridge Complex, In New Zealand Geophysical Society 2001 Symposium , edited by N.Z.G.S. Inc, Hamilton, 26-29 November 2001.
SGF annual Meeting and 10th EGU meeting
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-Y. Collot, and G. Lamarche, Conditions géodynamique de l'initiation de la subduction le long d'une limite de plaque décrochante, exemple du S-O de la Nouvelle-Zélande, in Réunion spécialisé (Géosciences Marine et Volcanologie) de la SGF, pp. 62, Villefranche sur Mer (France), 1999.
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-Y. Collot, G. Lamarche, and J. Delteil, Subduction initiation along the strike slip Pac/Aus plate boundary, southern New Zealand, in EUG10, Strasbourg (France), 1999.
SGF annual meeting and EGS metting
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-Y. Collot, G. Lamarche, and J. Delteil, Évolution Cénozoïque de la limite de plaque PAC/AUS au sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande: de l'ouverture océanique au décrochement puis à la subduction, in Séance spécialisée "Géosciences Marines" de la SGF, Paris, 1998.
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-Y. Collot, G. Lamarche, and J. Delteil, Initiation d'une subduction oblique le long d'une frontière décrochante: la limite de plaque Pac/Aus au sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande, in 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, pp. 145, Société Géologique de France, Brest, 1998. RESUME
Lamarche, G., J.-F. Lebrun, and J.-Y. Collot, Structures et évolution des transitions décrochement-subduction le long de la limite de plaque Pacifique-Australie en Nouvelle-Zélande, in 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, pp. 140, Société Géologique de France, Brest, 1998. RESUME
Collot, J.-Y., J.-F. Lebrun, G. Lamarche, and J. Delteil, Transform-subduction transitions: a comparison at both ends of the Alpine Fault, New-Zealand, in EGS, Nice (France), 1998.
Lamarche, G., J.-F. Lebrun, and J.-Y. Collot, Tectonics at a transform-subduction relay zone, the Puysegur area, south of New-Zealand, in EGS, Nice (France), 1998.
Lebrun, J.-F., J.-Y. Collot, and G. Lamarche, Evolution of the Pac/Aus plate boundary south of New-Zealand: initiation of the Puysegur subduction along a strike-slip plate boundary, in EGS, Nice (France), 1998.
AGU Fall meeting
Lebrun, J.-F., G. Lamarche, J. Delteil, and J.-Y. Collot, Slab tear to accomodate the transition from the Puysegur Subduction to the intracontinental strike-slip Alpine Fault, South New Zealand., in AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, San Francisco (USA), 1997.
AGU western Pacific meeting
Lebrun, J.-F., G.D. Karner, and J.-Y. Collot, Isostatic Effects of Subducting Fracture Zones: Application to the Morphology of the Puysegur Ridge-Trench System, in AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, pp. W121, pub. suppl. Eos, Brisbane (AUS), 1996.
8th EUG meeting and New Zealand geological society symposium
Lebrun, J.-F., M. Sosson, J. Delteil, J.-Y. Collot, and G. Lamarche, Structures and deformation of the Puysegur Ridge (South New Zealand)., in EUG8, Strasbourg (France), 1995.
Lebrun, J.-F., G.D. Karner, et al, Flexural coupling between the over and under Ridding plates of the Puysegur subduction system., in New Zealand Geophisical Society 1995 Symposium, edited by N.Z.G.S. Inc., Wellington, 1995.
Sosson, M., J.-F. Lebrun, J. Delteil, G. Lamarche, J.-Y. Collot, and R.A. Wood, Terrane initiation and strike slip faulting along the Puysegur Ridge, in New Zealand Geophisical Society 1995 Symposium, edited by N.Z.G.S. Inc., Wellington, 1995.
Rapports - Thèse Début de liste
Lebrun J.-F., Cornée J.-J., Feuillet N., Fournier F., Gob A., Leclerc F., Léticée J.-L., Marcaillou B., Mazabraud Y., Munch P., Graindorge D., Guennoc P., Quillévéré F., Randrianasolo A., Thinon I., Verati C., Rapport de Mission Ka-Shallow 2, Sismique réflexion haute résolution et carottages dans le bassin de Marie-Galante - Avant-Arc des Petites Antilles, 26 Janvier - 19 Février 2009 - N/O Suroît, 364pp - Univ. Antilles Guyane - EA4098 LaRGE.
J.-F. Lebrun, J. Begot, J.-J. Cornée, N. Feuillet, F. Fournier, P. Guennoc, Y. Mazabraud, P. Münch, I. Thinon, A. Randrianasolo, Rapport de la Mission KaShallow1, Sismique réflexion haute résolution dans le bassin de Marie-Galante
Avant-Arc des Petites Antilles, 26 Avril - 5 mai 2008 N/O Antéa, 199pp - Univ. Antilles Guyane - EA4098 LaRGE.
S. Bès de Berc, M. Chauvet, J.-F. Lebrun, J.-L. Leticée, A. Randrianasolo and H. Traineau, Inventaire des sites géologiques remarquables de la Guadeloupe (Phase 2), pp. 75, BRGM - RP55737-FR, 2007.
Collot, J.-Y., A. Alvarado, J.-F. Dumont, J.-P. Eissen, C. Joanne, J.-F. Lebrun, Y. Legonidec, T. Lewis, E. Lopez, B. Marcaillou, I. Martinez, F. Michaud, S. Migeon, G. Oggian, A. Pazmino, E. Santana, J.-L. Schneider, M. Sosson, G. Spence, A. Toro, and I. Wada, The AMADEUS Cruise Report - Ecuador-Colombia Feb 4th – March 9th 2005 - R/V L'Atalante (IFREMER), pp. 327, IRD - UMR6526 - Geosciences Azur, 2005
Des Garets, E., P. Graviou, J.-Y. Hervé, F. Beauducel, G. Boudon, A. Randrianasolo, J.-F. Lebrun, J.-L. Leticée, and R. Assor, Inventaire des sites géologiques remarquables de la Guadeloupe, pp. 23, BRGM - RP52728-FR, 2003.
Lebrun, J.-F., De la Faille Alpine au Système de Macquarie, Développement de la Subduction de Puysegur au sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Zélande, thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI (France), 1997.
Collot, J.-Y., J. Delteil, K. Lewis, R.H. Herzer,R.A. Wood, and Scientific Party (including J.-F. Lebrun), GeodyNZ-Sud cruise, shipboard report, ORSTOM TDM 128, ORSTOM UNSA CNRS IGNS NIWA, 1994.
Lebrun, J.-F., Serpentinisation active en domaine d'avant - arc: Le Conical Seamount. Site 779 du leg ODP 125. Avant arc des Mariannes, Mémoire de D.E.A. Géosciences Marines, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France), 1991.
Cartes - Guide Début de liste
J.-F. Lebrun, J.-L. Léticée A. Randrianasolo B. Marcaillou, Y. Mazabraud, A. Gob, Grande-Terre : une plateforme Récifal Ancienne. Guide Géologique réalisé à l'occasion de la journée de cloture de l'Année International de la planète terre (GwaT4).
Bes de Berc, S., R. Assor, F. Beauducel, G. Boudon, E. Des Garets, P. Graviou, J.-F. Lebrun, J.-L. Léticée, and A. Randrianasolo, Carte des Curiosités Géologiques de la Guadeloupe, BRGM, 2006.
Cutress, G., R.H. Herzer, R. Wood, J. Delteil, J.-F. Lebrun, and the Geodynz team, Fiordland offshore geology: integrated swath mapping and geophysics, IGNS, Folio Series N°3, 1998.