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S.Monjoly, M. André, R. Calif, T. Soubdhan. Hourly Forecasting of Global Solar Radiation based on Multiscale decomposition Methods: A Hybrid Approach, Energy Accepted  November 8th 2016, In press. DOI: 10.1016/

Andre Maïna, Sophie Dabo-Niang, Ted Soubdhan, Hanany Ould-Baba "Predictive spatio-temporal model for spatially sparse global solar radiation data", Energy 2016, Vol 111, p 599-608






C. d'Alexis, A. Abouna, H. Berthelot et D. Bernard (2011). Characteristics of nocturnal breezes in the Windward Islands in the Southeastern Caribbean : structure and nighttime regimes. The e-Journal of the Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2.

C. d'Alexis (2011). Mesures expérimentales dans les basses couches de l’atmosphère tropicale insulaire, micro-météorologie et composition chimique des masses d’air nocturnes en zone de mangrove. Thèse de doctorat Spécialité Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Pointe-à-Pitre, 212 p. (11AGUY0438).


R. Calif et R. Emilion: A wind regime generation method based on stochastic process: application to wind energy production, submitted to Renewable Energy

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R. Calif et R. Emilion : Classification et modélisation stochastique des séries temporelles de la vitesse du vent, Revue des nouvelles technologies et de l’information, Edition Cépaduès

R. Calif, R. Emilion, T. Soubdhan et R. Blonbou:  Classification of wind speed distributions using a mixture of Dirichlet distributions, Wind Energy Journal

R. Blonbou: Very Short Term Wind Power Forecasting with Neural Networks and Adaptive Bayesian learning, under review, Renewable Energy


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R.Calif et R. Blonbou: Analysis of the power output of a wind turbine cluster in the Guadeloupean archipelago, The International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology

T. Soubdhan, R. Emilion, R. Calif: Classification of daily solar radiation distributions using a mixture of Dirichlet distributions, Solar Energy Journal

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