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Publications du |
G. Mophou and P. Poullet, "A split Godunov scheme for solving one-dimensional hyperbolic systems in a nonconservative form" in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 40 N°1, pp. 1-25, 2002
C. Bourdarias, M. Gisclon and A. Omrane, "Transmission boundary conditions in a model-kinetic decomposition domain" (to appear) in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems-Series B, Vol. 2 N°1, 2002.
S. Bernard, J.-F. Colombeau, A. Méril and L. Rémaki, "Conservation laws with discontinuous coefficients" in Journal of Math. Anal. and Appl., (to appear).
J.-P. Cherdieu, D.-J. Mercier and T. Narayaninsamy, "On the generalized Weights of a class of trace" in Finite fields and their applications, (to appear).
C. Horvath et M. Lassonde, "Leray-Schauder spaces" in Nonlinear Anal., (to appear).
P. Lansky and J. Vaillant, "Stochastic model of the overdispersion in the place cell discharge" to appear in Biosystems.
M. Lassonde, "First-order rules for nonsmooth constrained optimization" in Nonlinear Anal., (to appear).
F. Jules and P.E. Maingé "Numerical approach to stationnary solution of a second order dissipative dynamical system" in Optimization, (to appear).
A. Moudafi et M. Théra, "Ergodic convergence to a zero of the extended sum" in Proceedings of Haifa, Elsevier (to appear).
V. Valmorin, "Some topological properties of the algebra of generalized hyperfunctions on the circle", to appear in NoviSad J. Math..
V. Valmorin, "Generalized Hyperfunctions on the Circle" to appear in Journal of Math. Anal. and Appl..
J.-P. Cherdieu, E. Reinaldo-Barreiro et J. Estrada-Sarlabous, "Efficient Reduction on the Jacobian Variety of Picard Curves" in Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Related Areas, J. Buchmann, T. Hoholdt, H. Stichtenoth, H. Tapia-Recillas (Eds.) ISBN 3-540-66248-0 Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.
A. Delcroix et D. Scarpalezos, "Topology on asymptotic algebras and applications" in Monatshefte fur mathematik, 2000.
M. Geoffroy et M. Lassonde, "On a convergence of lower semicontinuous functions linked with the graph convergence of their subdifferentials" in M. Théra ed., Constructive, Experimental and Nonlinear Analysis, CMS Conf. Proc. 27, pp 93--109, AMS, Providence, RI, 2000.
G. Lachaud, I. Lucien, D.-J. Mercier and R. Rolland, "Group Structure on Projective Spaces and Cyclic Codes over Finite Fields" in Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 119--129, 2000.
A. Moudafi, "A recession notion for a class of monotone bivariate functions" in Serdica Mathematical Journal, 26, pp 1001--1014, 2000.
A. Moudafi, "Tikhonov fixed-point regularization", Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, No 481, pp 320--328, Springer, 2000.
A. Moudafi, "On the regularization of the sum of two maximal monotone operators" in Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, Vol. 42, pp 1023--1028, 2000.
A. Moudafi, "Viscosity methods for fixed points problems" in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol 241, No 1, pp 46--55, 2000.
A. Moudafi et M. A. Noor, "New convergence results for iterative methods to set-valued mixed variational inequalities" in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Vol 3, No 2, pp 1--9, 2000.
O. Nakoulima, A. Omrane et J. Vélin, "Perturbations à moindres regrets dans les systèmes distribués à données manquantes" in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Series I, Vol. 330, pp 801--806, 2000.
P. Poullet, "Staggered Incremental Unknowns for solving Stokes and Generalized Stokes problems" in Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol 35, No 1, pp 23--41, 2000.
J. Vaillant and P. Lansky, "Multidimensional counting processes and evoked neuronal activity" in Journal of Mathematics applied in medicine and Biology, Vol. 17, pp 53--73, 2000.
J. Vaillant, M. Troupé, J. Manuceau and V. Lanska, "Nonparametric selection method of survival predictors with an application to breast cancer", sous presse dans Methods of information in Medicine, Special Issue on Prognostic Models-AI and Decision Analytic Approaches, Vol. 5, 2000.
V. Valmorin, "Generalized solutions of a periodic Goursat problem" in Journal of Applied Analysis, Vol. 7, No 1, 2000.
G. Akemann, R. Grimm, M. Hasler, C. Herrmann, "N=2 central charge superspace and a minimal supergravity multiplet" in Class.Quant.Grav. 16, pp 1617--1623, 1999
D. Aussel, J.-N. Corvellec et M. Lassonde, "Nonsmooth constrained optimization and multidirectional mean value inequalities" in SIAM J. Optim., 9, pp 690--706, 1999.
L. Célini et J. Vaillant, "Répartition spatio-temporelle des présences d'ailés d'Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera:aphididae) en culture cotonnière (Malvaceae), Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 131, pp 813--824, 1999.
A. Delcroix, "(C,E,P)-asymptotic algebras, extension principe and applications" in Chapman & Hall Research Notes in Mathematics, 401, pp 165--173, 1999.
R. Janin and J. Gauvin, "Lipschitz-type stability in nonsmooth convex programs", in SIAM J. Control Optim., 1, pp 124-137, 1999.
P. Lansky and J. Vaillant, "Stochastic model of the place cell discharge", in Foundations and tools for neural modeling (J Mira and V Sanchez-Andreas eds), Springer, Berlin, pp 248--257, 1999.
J. Manuceau, M. Troupé et J. Vaillant, "On an entropy conservation principle" in J. Appl. Proba., Vol. 36, pp 607--610, 1999.
J. A. Marti, "(C,E,P)-sheaf structures and applications" in Non-linear theory of Generalized Functions, Research Notes in Mathematics, Chapman&Hall/CRC, pp 175--186, 1999.
J. A. Marti et S. Nuiro, "(C,E,P)-algèbres et problèmes elliptiques" in Topological Methods in Nonlinear analysis, Vol.13, pp 301--311, 1999.
A. Moudafi, "Proximal point algorithm extended to equilibrium problems" in Journal of Natural Geometry, pp 1--10, 1999.
A. Moudafi et M. Théra, "Proximal and dynamical approaches to equilibrium problems" in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #477, pp 187--201, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
A. Moudafi et M. A. Noor, "Sensitivity analysis for monotone inclusion" in Journal of Applied Mathematics & Stochastic Analysis, Vol 12, N3, pp 223--232, 1999.
A. Nouri, A. Omrane et J. P. Vila, "Boundary Conditions for Scalar Conservation Laws from a Kinetic Point of View" in Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 94. Nos. 5/6, pp 779--804, 1999.
V. Valmorin, "Generalized functions and multiplication of periodic hyperfunctions" in Chapman & Hall Research Notes in Math. 401, pp 219-228, 1999.
J.-P. Cherdieu, I. Duursma, A. Edouard and O. Moreno "Cyclic subcodes of generalized Reed-Muller Codes" in I.E.E.E. Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 44, pp. 307--311, 1998.
A. Delcroix et D. Scarpalezos, "Asymptotic scales. Asymptotic algebras" in Integral transforms and special functions, Vol. 6, No. 1-4, pp 154--161, 1998.
M. Lassonde, "Hahn-Banach theorems for convex functions" in B. Ricceri et S. Simons eds, Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, v26, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 135--145, 1998.
J. A. Marti "Fundamental structures and asymptotic microlocalizations in sheaves of generalized functions" in Integral transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 6, No.1-4, pp 223--228, 1998.
J. A. Marti, S. Nuiro et V. Valmorin "Algèbres différentielles et problème de Goursat non linéaire" in Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, Vol. VII, No. 1, pp 135--159, 1998.
J. A. Marti, S. Nuiro et V. Valmorin "Non-linear Goursat problem with irregular data" in Integral transforms and Special Functions, pp 229--246, 1998.
D.-J. Mercier, R. Rolland, "Polynomes homogènes qui s'annulent sur l'espace projectif P(F)", in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 124, pp. 227-240, 1998.
J.-P. Cherdieu, A. Delcroix, D. J. Mercier et J. C. Mado "Weight distribution of the Reed-Muller code" in Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, pp 304--314, 1997.
A. Delcroix, "Fonctions Généralisées et Analyse Non Standard" in Monatshefte fur Mathematik, pp 127--134, 1997.
O. Goyon et P. Poullet, "Preconditioned Newton methods using Incremental Unknowns methods for the resolution of a steady-state Navier-Stokes like problem" in Applied Mathematics and Computation, 87, pp 289--311, 1997.
C. Horvath et M. Lassonde, "Intersection of sets with n-connected unions" in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, pp 1209--1214, 1997.
A. Moudafi, "Well-behaved asymptotical convex-concave functions" in Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., pp 1013--1021, 1997.
A. Moudafi et M. Théra, "Finding the zero for the sum of two maximal monotone operators" in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol 94, No2, pp 425--448, 1997.
J. Vaillant, G. Argenté, et C. Boulard, "Hypodermose bovine : une procédure séquentielle d'observation des cheptels pour la surveillance de la recrudescence en zone éradiquée" in Veterinary Research, 1997.
V. Valmorin, "Fonctions Généralisées périodiques et applications" in Dissertationes Mathematicae (CCCLXI), 1997.
J.-P. Cherdieu and R. Rolland, "On the number of points of some hypersurfaces in GF (q,n)" in Finite Fields and theirs applications, Vol. 2, pp. 214-224, 1996.
J.-P. Cherdieu and R. Rolland, "On Hypersurfaces defined by separated variables polonomial over finite field" in Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding, pp. 35--43, De Gruyter, Amsterdam, 1996.
C. Martias, "Stochastic Integration on Generalized Function Spaces and its Applications" in Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, pp 289--301, 1996.
A. Moudafi, "On the stability of the parallel sum of maximal monotone operators" in Journal of Math. Analysis and Appli., 199, pp 478--488, 1996.
A. Moudafi et N. Lehdili, "Combining the proximal algorithm and Tikhonov method" in Optimization, 37, pp 239--252, 1996.
A. Moudafi et M. Théra, "Combining the auxiliary problem principle with approximation methods" in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, pp 196--213, 1996.
V. Valmorin, "A new algebra of periodic generalized functions" in Journal for Analysis and its Applications, pp 57--74, 1996.
D. Aussel, J.-N. Corvellec et M. Lassonde, "Mean value property and subdifferential criteria for lower semicontinuous functions" in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 147, N 10, pp 4147--4161, 1995.
J.-P. Cherdieu, "Exponentials sums, Codes and hermitian forms" in I.E.E.E. Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 41, pp. 1636--1642, 1995.
P. Deguire et M. Lassonde, "Familles sélectantes" in Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 5, N 2, pp 261--269, 1995.
A. Granas et M. Lassonde, "Some elementary general principles of convex analysis" in Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 5, N 1, pp 23--37, 1995.
C. Martias, "Extension du Calcul d'Itô aux Distributions de Schwartz" in C. R. Acad. Sciences Paris, pp 331--334, 1995.
A. Moudafi, "On the convergence of the proximal algorithm for saddle-point problems" in Optimization, 33, pp 191--200, 1995.
A. Moudafi, "Recession notion and partial inverse operator" in Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 751--754, 1995.
J.P. Rospars, P. Lansky, J. Vaillant, P. Duchamp-Viret et A. Duchamp, "Modélisation de l'activité spontanée des neurones de premier et de second ordre du système olfactif" in Le Neuromimétisme, Hermès, 1995.
V. Valmorin, "Fonctions Généralisées périodiques et problème de Goursat" in C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 320, pp 537--540, 1995.
H. Attouch, Z. Chbani et A. Moudafi, "Solvability of variational problems in general Banach spaces" in Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, pp 51--67, 1994.
D. Aussel, J.-N. Corvellec et M. Lassonde, "Subdifferential characterization of quasiconvexity and convexity" in J. Convex Analysis, N 2, pp 195--201, 1994.
J.-F. Colombeau et A. Méril, "Generalized functions on C-manifolds" in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol 186, No 2, 1994.
L. Górniewicz et M. Lassonde, "Approximation and fixed points for compositions of {\rm R}$_\delta$-maps" in Topology Appl., 55, pp 239--250, 1994.
A. Hassouni et A. Moudafi, "A perturbed algorithm for solving variational inequalities" in J. Math. Anal. Appl., 706--712, 1994.
N. Hawlitzky, F.M. Dorville et J. Vaillant "Statistical Study of Trichogramma Brassicae efficiency in relation with characteristics of the European Corn Borer egg masses" in Res. Popul. Ecol., pp 79--85, 1994.
A. Moudafi, "About saddle values of a class of well -behaved convex-concave functions" in Optimization, 30, pp 1--14, 1994.
A. Moudafi, "Coupling the proximal algorithm and Tikhonov method" in J. Nonlinear Times and Digest, 30, pp 169--178, 1994.
J.P. Rospars, P. Lansky, J. Vaillant, P. Duchamp-Viret et A. Duchamp "Spontaneous activity of first- and second- order neurons in the frog olfactory system" in Brain Research, pp 31--44, 1994.
J. Vaillant "Tests of occupancy rates for clustered populations : case where the cluster sizes are known" in Biometrical Journal, pp 33--42, 1994.
H. Attouch, A. Moudafi et H. Riani, "Quantitative stability analysis for maximal monotone operators and semi-groups of contractions" in Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications, vol 21, pp 697--723, 1993.
M. Cottrell et J. Vaillant "Role of lateral inhibition in a real neural network" in Mathematics applied to Biology and Medicine, Wuerz Publishing Ltd, 1993.
A. Moudafi, "Coupling proximal methods and variational convergence" in ZOR-Methods and Models of Operations Research, pp 269--280, 1993.
A. Doncescu et G. Richard, "Wavelets transformation in ILP : an application to bio-chemical process" in 15th International EURASIP meeting (BIOSIGNAL'2000), (to appear) june 2000.
A. Doncescu et G. Richard, "Knowledge discovery in bio-chemical engineering" in 2nd International ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems EIS'2000,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (to appear) june 2000.
C. Fiorio et R. Nock, "Sorted Region Merging to Maximize Test Reliability" in IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing, (to appear), IEEE Press, 2000.
C. Fiorio et R. Nock, "A Concentration-Based Adaptive Approach to Region Merging of Optimal Time and Space Complexities" in British Machine Vision Conference, (to appear), SPR/IEE Press, 2000.
R. Nock et M. Sebban, "Sharper Bounds for the Hardness of Prototype and Feature Selection" in Int. Conf. on Algorithmic Learning Theory, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 2000.
R. Nock et M. Sebban, "A New Prototype Weighting and Selection Scheme for Instance Based Learning Algorithms" in Int. FLAIRS Symp., AAAI press, (to appear), 2000.
R. Nock et M. Sebban, "Prototype Selection using Boosted Nearest-Neighbors" in H. Liu et H Motoda, ed., Chapitre de livre sur la sélection de prototypes, Kluwer Scientific, (to appear), 2000.
R. Nock, M. Sebban et D. Bernard, "A Symmetric Nearest-Neighbor Learning Rule" in European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, E. Blanzieri et L. Portinale, ed., Springer Verlag, (to appear), 2000.
G. Richard, "Identification in the limit and constraint ILP" in 10th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming ILP'2000, Proceedings of ILP'2000, pp. 244 - 259, 2000.
G. Richard, "From disagreement sets to divergences levels in ILP" in 6th International Symposium on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence AMAI'2000 (to appear) 2000.
M. Sebban et R. Nock, "Contribution of Dataset Reduction Techniques to Tree-Simplification and Knowledge Discovery" in European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 2000.
M. Sebban et R. Nock, "Prototype Selection as an Information-preserving problem" in International Conf. on Machine Learning, (to appear), Morgan Kauffman, 2000.
M. Sebban et R. Nock, "Combining Feature and Prototype Pruning by Uncertainty Minimization" in International Conf. on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Morgan Kauffman, 2000.
M. Sebban et R. Nock, "Prototype Selection based on Information Theory" in Canadian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 2000.
R. Nock, "Complexity in the Case against Accuracy: when Building One Function-free Horn clause is as Hard as Any" in Int. Conf. on Algorithmic Learning Theory, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
R. Nock et P. Jappy, "Decision-Tree based induction of Decision Lists" in Int. Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, (to appear), Elsevier, 1999.
R. Nock et P. Jappy, "A "Top-Down and prune" induction scheme for constrained Decision Committees" in Int. Symp. on Intelligent Data Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
R. Nock, M. Sebban et P. Jappy, "Experiments on a representation-independent "Top-down and Prune" induction scheme" in European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
G. Richard, "Adequacy between programs and concepts in ILP " in JFPLC'99 (long version of SIARP'99),Hermes Editor, pp 75-88, 1999.
M. Sebban, "On Feature Selection: a new filter model" in Int. FLAIRS Symp., (to appear), AAAI press, 1999.
M. Sebban et R. Nock, "Contribution of Boosting in Wrapper Models" in European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
M. Sebban et G. Richard, "From theoretical learnability to statistical measures of the learnable" in Int. Symp. on Intelligent Data Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
M. Sebban, D. Zighed et S. Di Palma, "Selection and Statistical Validation of Features and Prototypes" in European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, (to appear), Springer-Verlag, 1999.
S. Anantharaman et G. Richard, "A rewrite mechanism for Logic Programs with Negation" in Theoretical Computer Science, 192, pp 77--106, 1998.
C. Fiorio et R. Nock, "A Generic, Fast and Non-Parametric approach for Image Segmentation" in Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, IEEE press, 1998.
O. Gascuel, R. Nock et al (Groupe SYMENU), "Twelve Numerical, Symbolic and Hybrid Supervised Classification Methods" in Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, (12), 517--572, 1998.
A. Landraud-Lamole, "Principle of a parallel vision system adapted to textures. A theoretical solution for selecting visual filters" in Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence., (12), 355--378, 1998.
R. Nock et B. Esfandiari, "Oracles and Assistants: Machine Learning applied to Network Supervision" in Canadian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1418, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
R. Nock et P. Jappy, "Function-Free Horn clauses are Hard to approximate" in Int. Conf. on Inductive Logic Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1446, Springer-Verlag, pp 195--204, 1998.
R. Nock et P. Jappy, "On the power of Decision Lists" in Int. Conf. on Machine Learning, pp 413--420, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.
R. Nock et P. Jappy, "PAC-learning conceptual graphs" in Int. Conf. on Conceptual Structures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1453, Springer-Verlag, pp 303--315, 1998.
R. Nock, P. Jappy, et J. Sallantin "Generalized Graph Colorability and Compressibility of Boolean Formulae" in Int. Symp. on Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
M. Sebban "Prototype Selection from Homogeneous Subsets by a Monte-Carlo Sampling" in Int. FLAIRS Symp., AAAI press, pp 250--255, 1998.
J. Quinqueton, B. Esfandiari et R. Nock, "Chronicle Learning and Agent-Oriented techniques for networks Management and Supervision" in Int. Conf. on Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks (invited paper), Chapman et Hall, pp 131--146, 1997.
G. Richard et F. Saubion, "Answer Synthesis for CLP with Negation" in Journal of Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logic, Oxford University Press, pp 339--373, 1997.
P. Jappy, R. Nock et O. Gascuel, "Negative Robust Learning results for Horn Clause programs" in Int. Conf. on Machine Learning, pp 258--265, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
G. Richard et F. Saubion, "Answer Synthesis for CLP with Negation" in European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, J. Wiley, pp 200--205, 1996.
R. Nock et O. Gascuel, "On learning Decision Committees" in Int. Conf. on Machine Learning, pp 413--420, Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
G. Richard et F. Saubion, "A Rewrite Approach to Transform Constraint Logic Programs" in Information and Computation, pp 184--200, 1995.
M. Sebban, S. Rabaseda et O. Boussaid, "Contribution of related geometrical graphs in pattern contribution" in International Conference on Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis, Springer Verlag, pp 167--178, 1995.