Missions océanographiques



Équipe Biologie de la Mangrove

Laboratoire de Biologie Marine
Responsable : GROS Olivier

UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles (SEN), Département de Biologie
BP 592, F-97159 Pointe-à-Pitre cedex, Guadeloupe, France
Tél.: 05 90 48 30 06 ; Fax : 05 90 48 32 81, email :

Licence BGS
Master Biotrop


Publications de Pierre-Yves Pascal

Saint-Béat B, Dupuy C, Bocher P, Chalumeau J, De Crignis M, Fontaine C, Guizen K, Lavaud J, Lefebvre S, Montanié H, Mouget JL, Orvain F, Pascal PY, Quaintenne G, Radenac G, Richard P, Robin F, Vézina AF, Niquil N (2013). Key features of intertidal food webs that support migratory shorebirds: the case of the bare mudflat in Marennes-Oléron Bay (NE Atlantic). PloS One. 8. e76739. pdf

Daigle S.T., Fleeger J.W., Cowan J.H., Pascal P.Y. (2013).
What is the relative importance of phytoplankton and attached macroalgae and epiphytes to food webs on offshore oil platforms? Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 5:53-64. pdf

Pascal P.Y. and Fleeger J.W. (2013).
Diverse dietary responses by saltmarsh consumers to chronic nutrient enrichment. Estuar. Coast. 36: 1115-1124. pdf

Pascal PY, Fleeger JW, Boschker HTS, Mitwally HM, Johnson DS (2013)
Response of the benthic food web to short- and long-term nutrient enrichment in saltmarsh mudflats. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 474:27-41. Pdf

Pascal PY, Fleeger J W, Galvez F, Carman KR (2010)
The toxicological interaction between ocean acidity and metals in coastal meiobenthic copepods. Mar Pollut Bull 60: 2201-2208. Pdf

Dupuy C, Rossignol L, Geslin E, Pascal PY (2010) Ammonia tepida: a hard-shelled foraminifera predator of mudflat meio-macrofaunal metazoan. J Foraminifer Res 40: 305-312. Pdf

Pascal PY, Dupuy C, Richard P, Niquil N (2009) Seasonal variation in consumption of benthic bacteria by meio- and macrofauna in an intertidal mudflat. Limnol Oceanogr 54: 1048-1059 Pdf

Pascal PY, Dupuy C, Haubois AG, Richard P, Niquil N (2008) Influence of environmental factors on bacterial ingestion rate of the deposit-feeder Hydrobia ulvae and comparison with meiofauna. J Sea Res 60: 151-156. Pdf

Pascal PY, Dupuy C, Richard P, Rzeznik-Orignac J, Niquil N (2008) Bacterivory of a mudflat nematode community under different environmental conditions. Mar Biol 154: 671-682. Pdf

Pascal PY, Dupuy C, Richard P, Niquil N (2008) Bacterivory in the common foraminifer Ammonia tepida: isotope tracer experiment and the controlling factors. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 359: 55-61. Pdf

Pascal PY, Dupuy C, Mallet C, Richard P, Niquil N (2008) Bacterivory by benthic organism in sediment: quantification using 15N enriched bacteria. J Exp Mar Bio lEcol 35: 18-26 Pdf

Rossignol L, Dupuy C, Pascal PY, Debenay J-P (2007) Hydrobiaulvae: a deposit feeder for cleaning living hard-shelled foraminifera. J Foraminifer Res 37: 8-11 Pdf

Niquil N, Kerleguer G, Leguerrier D, Richard P, Legrand H, Dupuy C, Pascal PY, Bacher C (2006)
How would the loss of production due to an herbicide have repercussions in the food web of an intertidal mudflat? Sensitivity analysis of an inverse model for Brouage mudflat, Marennes-Oléron Bay, France. Cah Biol Mar 47: 63-71 Pdf


Accueil - SAE-Mangrove
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
Campus de Fouillole - BP - 250 - 97157 - Pointe à Pitre cedex